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Punching Up: Find the Humor in Your Story, 4 week course & workshop with Mary Kate McGrath

4 sessions, Sundays, April 7 to April 28th, 2:30-5pm EST

online, 9 students max

Sliding Scale: $75-$250, please pay as much as you can afford

Enroll for this class.

In this short course and workshop, students will explore how humor and comedy can bring new dimensions to their writing. Students will discuss the difference between humor writing and humorous writing, examine joke construction, and explore strategies for making work more fun and playful. 

We’ll read pieces by prominent humor writers including George Saunders, Alissa Nutting, Anthony Vaesna So, Melissa Broder, Paul Beatty, and more, studying how the authors use comedy to enrich their storytelling. We’ll also watch or listen to multimedia comedy clips and explore how we can borrow skills for our written work. In the discussions of the readings and prompts, students will also explore comedy’s potential for social critique. Each student will have the opportunity to workshop one piece in a supportive environment. 

The class is open to writers of any experience level with an interest in humor writing or who want to bring more joy and silliness into their work! By the end of the class, have a better understanding of what makes readers laugh and have new strategies to find the fun in any writing project.

Enroll for this class.

About the Instructor

Mary Kate McGrath is a writer, educator, and disability advocate from Massachusetts. Her fiction has appeared in the Florida Review, Phoebe Journal, Tin House, and elsewhere. Her short story “Gorgeous Vibrations” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has an MFA in fiction from Boston University. 

Student Testimonials

“Mary Kate is AWESOME! The class was spacious, rich, and well-paced.” — former student of Writing Subversive Body Narratives

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