100 Days of Creative Resistance

100 Days of Creative Resistance delivers a free email of encouragement, opposition, and commiseration — a reminder of why we write and create — from 100 iconoclastic contemporary voices on each of the first 100 days of the 47th president’s regime. The program begins January 20th, 2025, Inauguration Day. As the emails post, they are archived here.

Enroll here to sign up to receive the emails as they’re released, and also learn about community zooms and other 100 Days related events. To read a short message from the project curator, Co-Lab co-director Brian Gresko, click here.

Featuring Messages From

R. O. Kwon on Listening to Your Body, January 20th

Melissa Febos on Choosing Love, January 21st

Denne Michele Norris on the Community that Comes with Work, January 22nd

Edgar Gomez on Imagining a Future Where Things Turn Out Okay, January 23rd

Lilly Dancyger on Bountifulness, January 24th

Nadia Owusu on Art as an Instrument for Political Change, January 25th

Lisa Ko on Creating a Time Capsule, January 26th

Temim Fruchter on Cultivating Radical Imagination, January 27th

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya against the Myth of the Solitary Writer, January 28th

Hannah Lillith Asadi on Beauty, January 29th

Crystal Hana Kim on Grounding, January 30th

Laura van den Berg on Putting the Skills You Have to Use, January 31st

Luis Jaramillo on Writing to Claim Our Freedom, February 1st

Abeer Hoque on Growing Through Failure, February 2nd

Meredith Talusan on Political Mindfulness, February 3rd

Alexandra Watson on the Bridge from Hope to Faith, February 4th

Nina Sharma on Remembering History, February 5th

Maris Kreizman on the Freedom of Creation, February 6th

Joseph Earl Thomas Agonizes over the Sentence and the Line, February 7th

Danielle Lazarin on the Miracle of Art’s Survival, February 8th

Marie Myung-Ok Lee on Seeing Things in a Gentler Light, February 9th

A Spell from Jeanne Thornton for Thriving Under Attack, February 10th

Megan Giddings on Being There for People, February 11th

Cleyvis Natera on Small Tyrants, February 12th

Richard Mirabella on Being A Great Weirdo, February 13th

Jiordan Castle on Valentine’s Day, February 14th

Robert Jones Jr. on Despair, Purpose, Art, and Love, February 15th

Annie Liontas Cannot Do This Alone, February 16th

Essie Chambers on Fighting Numbness and Nurturing Sparks, February 17th

Sari Botton on Why We Need Your Personal Writing, Even Though It Might Not Immediately & Permanently Change the World, February 18th

Idra Novey on the Relief of Simile, February 19th

Larissa Pham on Listening to the Body, and the Rhododendrons, February 20th

Athena Dixon on Beauty and Balance, February 21st

Jenny Xie on Defamiliarizing What You Love, February 22nd

Sabrina Imbler on Finding Your Cows, February 23rd

Shayne Terry Has Thirteen Questions, February 24th

Naima Coster Shares a Moment of Grace, February 25th

Quincy Scott Jones on Everyday Resistance, February 26th

Julia Philips on Doing What You Know Is Right, February 27th

Chin-Sun Lee on Joy as the Antidote to Oppression, February 28th

Mona Eltahawy in A Time for Giants, March 1st

Sara Lippmann on Holding Each Other’s Stories, March 2nd

Alejandro Varela Invites You to Dinner, March 3rd

Neelanjana Banerjee on Snapping Out of Numbness, March 4th

Daphne Palasi Andreades on the Necessity of Cultivating Joy, March 5th

Ryan D. Matthews in Favor of Not Doing Enough, March 6th

Emily Raboteau on Not Beating Yourself Up If You’re Not Writing, March 7th

Isle McElroy on Patience and Attention, March 8th

Jimin Han

Jennifer Baker

Karen Russell

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Kat Chow

Alejandro Puyana

Sara Novic

Natasha Oladokun

Torrey Peters

Amy Shearn

Ingrid Rojas Contreras

Paul Lisicky

Karissa Chen

Gabrielle Bellot

Kelly Thompson

James Yeh

Nicole Haroutunian

Mary-Kim Arnold

Hannah Bae

Lucas Mann

Anna Qu

Sejal Shah

Nicole Chung

James Hannaham

A. E. Osworth

Christopher Gonzalez

Anjali Kholsa

Meghan Flaherty

Soraya Palmer

Carvell Walace

Caitlin Kunkel

No'u Revilla

E. J. Koh

Chelsea Bieker


Christina Rivera

Sarah Chihaya

Stephanie Feldman

Irvin Weathersby Jr.

Hannah Beresford

Yiming Ma

Carmen Maria Machado

Joseph Osmundson

Mira Jacob

Alexander Chee

Sarah Thankam Mathews

Kristen Arnett

Celeste Ng

Bryan Washington

Melissa Rivero

T Kira Madden