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You Must Go On! 4 weeks of accountability coaching with Brian Gresko

Emails every weekday from Monday January 20 to Friday February 14

Saturday check-ins on Zoom: January 25, and February 1, 8, & 15, 12-1pm Eastern 


Enroll in this class.

You must go on.

I can’t go on.

I’ll go on.

– Samuel Beckett

You want to get your butt in that chair and write like a motherfucker, but it’s hard. Writing is solitary, and it can be all too easy to feel dismayed or even despondent about giving yourself time and permission to let what is inside of you come out on the page. Hold my beer – I’m here to help. I’ve been at it for seventeen years now! And while it’s a tough road, it’s a rewarding one too, especially if you have the right support and company along the way.

As part of this accountability class, you’ll start each weekday with a few hundred words of inspiration, encouragement, and commiseration – as well as the occasional prompt – delivered to your inbox. In addition, I’ll host an hour long zoom every Saturday from noon to 1pm Eastern time, during which we’ll discuss our progress, I’ll answer your questions about the writing and publishing process, and we’ll possibly share some of our work aloud. These sessions will be warm and encouraging in tone, and they’ll be an opportunity for you to talk honestly with other writers about this strange and wonderful work we do.

The writing itself? That’s up to you to do based on your schedule! But you will do it knowing that you’re not alone, and with the assurance that as challenging as it is, you will go on!

Enroll in this class.

About the Instructor

Brian Gresko (they/he) is a writer based in Brooklyn, where they co-run Pete’s Reading Series, the borough's longest running literary venue. Their work has appeared in Poets & Writers Magazine, Slate, The Atlantic, Longreads, The Rumpus, and many other publications. Also a stay-at-home parent, they edited the anthology When I First Held You: 22 Critically Acclaimed Writers Talk about the Triumphs, Challenges, and Transformative Experience of Fatherhood. They received their MFA in fiction from The New School, and was the first in their family to attend college, at Oberlin.

Testimonials from Previous You Must Go On Students

“I’m the newest member of the Brian Gresko Fan Club. Totally loved their letters, words of encouragement, and the space they held each Saturday. I can’t wait to join again.”

“Such great encouragement! I enjoyed having Brian in my corner cheering me on!”

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